Sometimes after certain situations, it's a good time to reflect; On what occurred, why?, Did you say the right thing?, was there anything you did or said that you are proud of? not proud of?
I try not to remain negative for too long.
To me negativity eats away at everything meaningful to me, it blackens whatever it can touch. Its a leech sucking the positivity right out of the happiest person.
It is of my opinion that negativity is not welcome around me all that much, nor for too long, trying to become positive again differs on how much I can do it on my own, but mostly it is that of my closest friends sending positive energy to lift me back to where I want to belong.
Obviously If you have been reading some of my previous blogs, of which I thank you for having done so and hope you continue to read my future posts.. You will know my life, my trials, confessions, the good times and sometimes bad. Those who have not, you probably still know my life, in some instances but for those who should be aware of the small detail that...
I am a single girl. (insert intense music)
All jokes aside I am. And I am never afraid to admit that!! In no way shape or form do I feel I have been cheated in this instance.
It is my belief that no one single or otherwise should be judged for the way they live their lives, whether you are single, taken, married, in a committed relationship, a casual relationship. It is their choice in most occasions.
But does that stop people commenting or advising or judging? No of course it doesn't. This whole freedom of speech is what did it. Now I am in no way saying that people should zip their lips & never have an opinion or a thought towards something or someone.
I'm just trying to put a stop to those attempting to be negative towards me because I am single, or different in someway to what others perceive as normal.
Definition of Normal: (according to The Oxford Dictionary)
1. Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected: it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food normal working hours (no idea what the example means at all)
1. [mass noun] the usual, typical, or expected state or condition: her temperature was above normal the service will be back to normal next week
informal a person who is conventional or healthy.
I don't know about you but I am in no way considered normal.
What the heck is normal anyway when it comes to anything with a brain, heart, conscience?
So why must there be a stock standard impression of how someone is supposed to live??
I will never understand why someone must assume that if you are single; Must be so lonely its ridiculous, there's obviously something wrong with them, they must be miserable.
If you love your body just the way it is, regardless of whether you look different compared to someone else, why must it be commented on if you decide to work out more because you want to be healthier or stronger, or whether you want to eat that extra donut because you would like to decide what you want. Why should it be commented on if you think someone is too fat or too skinny?
How is it that being different is such a bad thing? Does that make you ugly to someone else who acts just like everyone else?
For one thing; I am single, but in no way shape or form do I find myself unhappy or lonely.
Thankfully we were not all made the same!
Some of us are fine with what we've got. Others are not.
What makes it anyone else's business other than our own?
I am so weird its hilarious. Yes I am loud, I am proud.
And no I won't change because you have an issue with it.
Happiness is not weighed on whether you have a relationship, the ultimate body, the best personality.
It's weighed, or it should be weighed on how thankful you are to be on this earth & how much the people around you mean to you.
Being single is not a curse. It has taught me that friends & most importantly my family come first. in every situation. It has taught me that I can be independent of my own nature, confident & I am
inspired to write my own destiny and sometimes I am surprised by my strength.
Mostly I am surprised by the amount of love and support I have regardless of my relationship status is. All that negativity passed on by others is quickly dissipated, and replaced with the most positive vibes. You know the ones.
The ones that fill your heart and your soul, lighting up every dark space. Making you complete. Whole.
Now that is what its all about.
Its a nice feeling sometimes when you find yourself surprised at your actions or behaviour in particular situations...
Its also somewhat of a happy notion if someone else is also surprised at your actions or behaviour... (good reasons only.)
I try not to remain negative for too long.
To me negativity eats away at everything meaningful to me, it blackens whatever it can touch. Its a leech sucking the positivity right out of the happiest person.
It is of my opinion that negativity is not welcome around me all that much, nor for too long, trying to become positive again differs on how much I can do it on my own, but mostly it is that of my closest friends sending positive energy to lift me back to where I want to belong.
Obviously If you have been reading some of my previous blogs, of which I thank you for having done so and hope you continue to read my future posts.. You will know my life, my trials, confessions, the good times and sometimes bad. Those who have not, you probably still know my life, in some instances but for those who should be aware of the small detail that...
I am a single girl. (insert intense music)
All jokes aside I am. And I am never afraid to admit that!! In no way shape or form do I feel I have been cheated in this instance.
It is my belief that no one single or otherwise should be judged for the way they live their lives, whether you are single, taken, married, in a committed relationship, a casual relationship. It is their choice in most occasions.
But does that stop people commenting or advising or judging? No of course it doesn't. This whole freedom of speech is what did it. Now I am in no way saying that people should zip their lips & never have an opinion or a thought towards something or someone.
I'm just trying to put a stop to those attempting to be negative towards me because I am single, or different in someway to what others perceive as normal.
Definition of Normal: (according to The Oxford Dictionary)
1. Conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected: it's quite normal for puppies to bolt their food normal working hours (no idea what the example means at all)
(of a person) free from physical or mental disorders: until her accident Louise had been a perfectly normal little girl many previously normal people exhibit psychotic symptoms after a few nights without sleep
2. Technical (of a line, ray, or other linear feature) intersecting a given line or surface at right angles: a single plane of symmetry with a diad axis normal to it
3. Medicine (of a salt solution) containing the same salt concentration as the blood: dilute the stock solution with sterile water or normal saline
4. Chemistry, dated (of a solution) containing one gram-equivalent of a solute per litre.
5. Geology denoting a fault or faulting in which a relative downward movement occurred in the strata situated on the upper side of the fault plane.
1. [mass noun
informal a person who is conventional or healthy.
2. technical a line at right angles to a given line or surface: the view is along the normal to the surface
I don't know about you but I am in no way considered normal.
What the heck is normal anyway when it comes to anything with a brain, heart, conscience?
So why must there be a stock standard impression of how someone is supposed to live??
I will never understand why someone must assume that if you are single; Must be so lonely its ridiculous, there's obviously something wrong with them, they must be miserable.
If you love your body just the way it is, regardless of whether you look different compared to someone else, why must it be commented on if you decide to work out more because you want to be healthier or stronger, or whether you want to eat that extra donut because you would like to decide what you want. Why should it be commented on if you think someone is too fat or too skinny?
How is it that being different is such a bad thing? Does that make you ugly to someone else who acts just like everyone else?
For one thing; I am single, but in no way shape or form do I find myself unhappy or lonely.
Thankfully we were not all made the same!
Some of us are fine with what we've got. Others are not.
What makes it anyone else's business other than our own?
I am so weird its hilarious. Yes I am loud, I am proud.
And no I won't change because you have an issue with it.
Happiness is not weighed on whether you have a relationship, the ultimate body, the best personality.
It's weighed, or it should be weighed on how thankful you are to be on this earth & how much the people around you mean to you.
Being single is not a curse. It has taught me that friends & most importantly my family come first. in every situation. It has taught me that I can be independent of my own nature, confident & I am
inspired to write my own destiny and sometimes I am surprised by my strength.
Mostly I am surprised by the amount of love and support I have regardless of my relationship status is. All that negativity passed on by others is quickly dissipated, and replaced with the most positive vibes. You know the ones.
The ones that fill your heart and your soul, lighting up every dark space. Making you complete. Whole.
Now that is what its all about.
Its a nice feeling sometimes when you find yourself surprised at your actions or behaviour in particular situations...
Its also somewhat of a happy notion if someone else is also surprised at your actions or behaviour... (good reasons only.)
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